Monday, August 13, 2012

Spending Money

Like a drunken sailor!

Today seemed to be all about laying out cash on brand name things.  I’m not really about name brand things especially when it comes to clothes.  Today however I was the money spender.

So, as you know, I moved.  The new house is almost all carpet and we had two cheap vacuums, mine was very cheap since in the old house all I had was two area rugs, Amber’s was a bit more robust but after being stored in the basement for 3 years it felt like not working anymore.  I was sent off to Sears to use what remained of our wedding gift cards and a whole wad of money (that we don’t really have in hand yet, well we sort of do with a security deposit from our new renter) to buy a Dyson vacuum.  I was a bit sceptical and when I arrived in Sears and the lady asked if she could help me I said “Yes, I’m here to spend a ridiculous amount of money on a vacuum!”  It was the quickest $699.99 sale she ever made I am sure.

2012-08-13 19.39.19

Our reasoning was that we have a house that is almost all carpet, if we are buying a new vacuum, we are getting the best one.  I brought it home, set it up and began. 

This machine is the single greatest home appliance I have ever bought.  Works like a dream, sucked up things that my old vacuum would not even with different methods applied, handles very easily and is simple to empty.  Totally worth the money.

I did make one other purchase today too.  A new hoodie at sport check.  I had eyed up this sweater a few times while in there and hinted it would be a good Christmas gift last time I was in the store.  This time there was only one left and I brought it up again.

Now typically I shop at Old Navy, I like their things and most of it is dirt cheap, and also not slathered in brand names, right up my ally.  So desiring this hoodie was a bit out of my usual taste, but I liked the colour and that it is also a functional piece, being water resistant and such.  And so after a bit of a debate with Amber via text.  I bought this:


Pretty spiffy I think.

I did ask about one other thing while I was there that I thought was totally unjust.  See on the American site for Under Armour I can get this

under armour

It is the same shirt, but different colours and here on the Canadian version of the site (and at sportchek) I can’t get those colours!  I did a live chat with an Under Armour rep and they said nope to the shipping to Canada, but directed me to  They do ship to Canada but would charge me and extra $17 plus 34% in tax and duties!  I don’t get why we would have this item here (I have a blue and black one of these) but not certain colours.  Weird.

Anyway, hoodie and vacuum, totally worth it!

1 comment:

  1. My Mom said if I ever managed to find someone to marry me, she would buy me one of those. I am so MEGA jealous. (also nice sweater, Greg has 3 and never takes them off, you can match and have a bromance!)
